Saturday 16 August 2014

Ebola: US says Nano-Silver Provided by Nigerian Scientist is a Pesticide

    Yesterday, Thursday 14th August 2014, the Nigerian Minister of Health Onyebuchi Chukwu said that an unnamed Nigerian scientist provided an experimental drug to combat the Ebola virus.
At the press conference, Chukwu announced the latest development. He also said the product would be used to treat infected victims.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has aired concerns over the safety of the experimental drug.
Erica Jefferson, a spokeswoman for the chief U.S. regulatory body, said that she could not provide any information about the product. She also did not call it by its name.
According to Vanguard, it has been used as an antibacterial for centuries. Tiny silver particles known as nano-silver have controversially been incorporated into a variety of consumer products such as socks and bedding to help block odors caused by bacteria and mold.
Nano-Silver is being considered a pesticide by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. It is also sold online as a dietary supplement, but Danish researchers claim it can penetrate and damage cells.
“Individuals promoting these unapproved and fraudulent products must take immediate action to correct or remove these claims or face potential FDA action” said the agency.
Ebola has claimed the lives of 1,069 persons so far in Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Nigeria.